Creation of NFT using Solana

Maximilian Ullrich
2 min readJan 20, 2022

As my final project in the Bitcoin and Blockchain class I have decided to create a tutorial on how to create an NFT using Solana as a cryptocurrency. Seeing as many people only identify Ethereum as the most used cryptocurrency in order to create an NFT, I have therefore decided to create one using another cryptocurrency.

In order to make this project more interesting, I have decided to create an NFT of an actual art piece. Due to the fact that my mother has a Gallery for modern art in Frankfurt, I was able to ask one of her artists if I could create an NFT using one of his paintings. In December 2021 the Galerie Barbara von Stechow was present at the Art Miami, where they exhibited for 1 week. This painting that was chosen for the NFT creation, was a gift from Leszek Skurski to his gallerist Barbara von Stechow. In the painting you can see Barbara von Stechow in the middle, as well as Leszek and his wife Joana walking by her side. The name distant victory comes from the fact that Leszek sold his entire collection at the art fair. Hence, he made this gift to Barbara portraying the three of them walking away from the art fair with a victorious ending.

However, Leszek decided that it would be best to create this NFT for private use only. Hence the NFT has not been made public, and this tutorial was aimed at showing users how they would be able to create an NFT for themselves only. It was very interesting to use Solana, seeing as I had to get myself another cryptocurrency wallet. For this project I decided to use Phantom as my Solana wallet. Overall the creation went very smoothly, and I was able to create a 20 minute tutorial on how to create an NFT from an art-piece of a well-known artist.

I have published my tutorial on youtube, which you will be able to find under the following link:

